Thursday, 26 September 2013

Foodie Friday - which diet?

There are so many weight loss diets to choose from. How can we choose one that will work for our body type, fit in with our lifestyle, appeal to our personal preferences and actually work?

Over the coming weeks I am going to investigate a weight loss diet each week so that you can work out which one will best suit you. The information will be just that, only information. I am not recommending one type of weight loss diet over another and you should always seek medical advice before undertaking any weight loss diet.

What is a 'diet'? Although the word has become synonymous with weight loss, it actually refers to all food and drink regularly consumed and is also used to describe prescribed diets including a 'diabetic' diet or a 'gluten free' diet.

One of the issues with a weight loss diet is that it can have the opposite effect on the body, temporarily reducing weight but ultimately causing increased weight gain. The reasons for this will be explained in my next book but in simple terms, some weight loss diets cause our body's to go into 'famine' mode, and save all our calories as fat until there is enough food again.

A lot of people want a 'quick fix' diet, some prefer pills and potions and others prefer pre-cooked and planned meals. Again, it is all about choosing the one the is best for you. For some people their target weight is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

When choosing a weight loss diet we need to consider a few points. Here are some points that you might like to think about during the coming weeks as you read about the different possible diets for weight loss on this blog:

  • how much time to you have to prepare specific food?
  • how sustainable is your choosen diet?
  • how expensive is your choosen diet?
  • how fast do you want to reach your target weight?
  • how much weight do you want to loose?
  • how will a diet fit in with your family life?
  • how will a diet fit in with your working life?
  • do you mind counting calories or would you prefer someone else to do that for you?
  • do you want to prepare all your own food or do you want to buy it/have it delivered?
  • would you prefer to count 'points' rather than calories?
  • is this going to be a new way of life or a temporary way of eating?
  • have you been on previous weight diet before?

It can be worth researching any type of weight loss diet before embarking on one, and this can include reading blogs about the diet where people have commented on how it worked or didn't work for them, asking family and friends if they know anyone who has used it and asking health professionals for their advice.

I will also be exploring emotional eating because this is my area of expertise and I really enjoy working with women to assist them to move forwards and away from emotional eating.

Enjoy reaching your gaols

warmest wishes

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about the 30 bananas a day diet! ;)
