Have you ever compared yourself to another woman? We all do it now and again and some people do it on a daily basis. We might compare our body size, body shape, clothes and style or what is in her shopping trolley. Sometimes we feel better about ourselves and other times the comparison leaves us feeling that we are not enough.
What causes us to compare ourselves with other women? It is the limiting belief that we are not enough and that we need to receive our sense of worthiness from outside sources. When we know that we are enough then we can be happy we who we are.
We are usually unaware or we forget that we are not comparing 'apples with apples'. Apples come in different colours, shapes and even sizes. Some are sweeter than others, some have more crunch and a few have caterpillars in them. They come from different families and even those in the same family may have grown on a different tree. Within that one tree the apples will have had different amounts of sunshine, wind and rain depending on their position on that tree. And so it is with us. There can be no real comparison because everything that we have experienced and all that we are makes each of us unique.
Instead of comparing ourselves to another woman we can celebrate our diversity and uniqueness. I like to find one thing that I like about each woman that I see which could be the colour of her top, the shape of her necklace or the way that she wears her hair.
The really interesting thing is that when I am finding something to llike about a woman I stop comparing myself to her. I might decide that I like her necklace so much that I will look for a similar one or I might decide that that sort of necklace would make a wonderful present for someone.
Enjoy being enough because you are unique, whole and perfect just as you are. The way that we think about other people let's them know that they are also enough and that is a wonderful gift to share.
warmest wishes
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