Firstly, hi! I'm Kandice, I'll be writing today's post and probably a few others in the future. Sarah is snowed under working on a myriad of projects right now, including her new blog A Poet In Prose , so I'm helping out a bit over here. Second announcement, part of my helping out around here includes some tidying up, so look forward to some style changes and an updated look soon!
Now that that's out of the way, Happy Monday! Today I wanted to share a few tips for boosting your self-esteem, as we all have days when we don't feel like the superstar we really are.
1. "Comparison is the thief of joy."
Stop comparing yourself to other people, instead compare yourself to yourself. Turn a blind eye to those who appear to be better off, and you'll be happier in the long run.
2. "Practice random kindness and simple acts of beauty"
The best high for your soul is giving. Shove yourself out of that bubble of self-obsession, and shift your focus to others for a bit. Help out at a homeless shelter, help a senior citizen cross the street, chuck a couple dollars into a donation jar. It doesn't have to be huge, but enough that you truly feel like you did something good.
3. "When you stumble, be your own best friend."
How would your best friend or loving parent treat you when you trip up or make a mistake? Treat yourself with that same kindness, you deserve that kindness as much as anyone else.
4. "Leave Perfectionism Behind."
Perfection is unattainable, and that is fact. Obsessing over minute flaws is a fantastic waste of time. Embrace the imperfections, for that is what makes you human!
5. "Keep in mind why your self esteem is so important."
"When you like yourself more, when your opinion of yourself goes up, then you’ll stop trying so eagerly to get validation and attention from other people."Spend some time on you this week. Try these out and let us know what you think of them, or even add your own! If you'd like a more eloquent, detailed version of these tips, please read Henrik Edberg's article on the Five Habits of High Self-Esteem. Lastly I wanted to leave you all with this adorable 3D Printed Spider doing a little jig. A bit science, a bit spooky, a lot of cute!!! Have an amazing Monday everyone!
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