Is it true that vegetarians are slender or find it easier to loose weight? There is no easy answer and it depends on what the vegetarian diet comprises. If the vegetarian diet comprises of chips and cola the answer is 'No'. Being vegetarian does not make a difference.
However, if the vegetarian diet comprises of plant-based proteins and healthy foods then the answer is 'Yes'. It is easier to be slender on a vegetarian fare.
The main reasons for this are that the body metabolises plant-based protein differently to animal-based protein.
Animal-based protein that is not used is stored as fat. Plant-based protein that is not used is used as body heat. You would have to eat a lot of it to have it become stored as fat.
There have been some major studies done on the metabolism and effects of an animal-based protein diet (and in this case the term 'diet' is used to describe a person's food and drink consumption) compared to a plant-based protein diet. This does not mean that you need to throw out all your meat, cheese, eggs and milk and stock up on tofu and legumes.
What it does mean is that you might like to consider eating less animal-based protein and have alternative meals several days a week that are plant-based protein. When you do eat animal-based protein you could choose to have a smaller portion and then fill up on colourful vegetables. Potatoes (especially white potatoes) are carbohydrate condensed which means that a little goes a long way.
You can eat more green vegetables because they have less calories and require more energy to metabolise. There is the added benefit of fibre, which helps to keep you feeling satisfied and is very good for your immune system and large intestine health.
Enjoy experimenting with some plant-based protein
warmest wishes
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