Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Diets do not work

As you are probably well aware, diets do not work. Whilst they may work in the short-term for some people, they do not work in the long-term for a variety of reasons.

One of the main reasons that they don't work is because your primitive brain doesn't want you to loose weight. No, it doesn't hate you. In fact the opposite is true. When there is another famine you will have the advantage over the people without excess body fat. And you brains 'knows' that there will be another famine because you have already demonstrated that there are frequent famines. Every time you go on a diet your primitive brain interprets this as a famine.

To keep you safe during all these famines your primitive brain is able to change the way your body processes food so that you store more of it as fat; it ensures that you are tired and lethargic so that you won't be able to expand any unnecessary energy, which is any energy not connected to survival; it will make sure that you are totally focused on finding your next meal, so that you survive this current famine. Once the famine has passed, because you have stopped dieting, it will ensure that you regain any weight you lost, gain a little extra for the next famine and make sure that you continue to focus on food for up to a year.

There are a few other reasons that diets don't work, including the primitive part of the brain that ensures you become bored very quickly with the same food. This is to ensure that you eat a variety of foods which is the best way your brain can help you maintain your health. You may think that you will always want cake because you rarely have any, however, if you were to have a slice of the same cake day after day you would actually become bored with it.

If you loose more than 2.5kg in a week your body will automatically go into famine mode. It can't have you loosing that amount of weight so quickly unless there is a really good reason for it, which is survival. If your brain thinks that you need to loose weight to survive it will help you trim down so that you can run away. It can be tricky to convince it of this scenario. Mostly people think of what they don't have, which is interpreted as famine. This doesn't have to be about food. Worries about lack of money, a partner or even a dress to wear to an event can all trigger the famine response.

So if you want to loose weight and maintain that weight loss, is there an alternative to dieting?

Yes there is.

You change your current habits to those of healthy slender women. I use the word 'healthy' because you would not want to adopt habits that could harm your health. It is also important to use healthy role models, women who look after their bodies and have a healthy relationship with them. Using drugs, excessive exercise or near starvation diets are not the habits of healthy slender women.

Next month I will be launching an online program to help women learn about the habits of healthy slender women. No diets, no excessive exercise and definitely no hunger will be involved. Nor will it be boring, limiting, expensive, faddy or involve meals that only you can eat.
It will explain each habit and how you can make it part of your life for the rest of your life. You will still be able to enjoy chocolate and cake.

There will also be workshops for those who prefer to have their information in a face-to-face setting either instead of or as well as online.

Enjoy eating and being slender


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