Tuesday, 16 September 2014

"You can't eat that." Yes, I can!

Last week I was in a meeting and we were brought some Danish pastries. As I took one the person sitting next to me looked in horror as I helped myself to a mini pastry and exclaimed "You can't eat that". This person knows that my other business is weight management, and to her this meant that I shouldn't eat, let alone enjoy, any foods that don't fall into the 'healthy and good for you' category.

But here's the thing. Thinking that a food is 'bad' or 'off limits' leads to the brain interpreting it as famine, and I have written many times before about the knock effects of that happening. If you are new to my blog the shortened version is that the famine switch causes chemical changes in your body that can lead to weight gain, exhaustion and lethargy.

Weight management is all about balance. A mini Danish pastry for morning tea means no other treats for that day. If there is a day of treats, and let's face it, there are days like that, it means that there are whole days afterwards without treats.

 Recently we were in the UK on holiday for a month, and it involved a lot of cake. My family loves cake, and lemon tart. It meant careful balancing during the days we ate cake, careful balancing on the few days that we didn't eat cake, and some adjustment when we got home for a few weeks. Overall I gained one kilo, in that entire month of eating cake almost every day.

I was able to enjoy that Danish pastry because I know the seven rules of weight management. Life is meant to be lived, and if that means eating some cake now and then, I will eat cake. For other people it might be enjoying a portion of hot chips on a Friday night, or having a night out once a week, or enjoying your favourite chocolates.

At the end of the month I will be launching a program for those who want to learn the seven rules of weight management. Message or email me if you would like to know more.

In the meantime, enjoy a little of what you fancy once a week.


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