Tuesday 28 October 2014

Exercise can make you fat

Yesterday I booked into a Zumba class but it had to be cancelled and instead we were given a 'vive' class. On paper it probably appeared to be the same sort of class with some aerobic exercise to music but there was one very big difference.

Chronic stress leads to adrenal fatigue and your body functions differently in this state. As far as your primitive brain is concerned there are only three reasons for chronic stress: war, flood or famine.

An exercise class that involves lots of running type movements tells your primitive brain that it is correct because you are 'running away' from something bad. It gets your body to produce more stress hormones and instead of loosing weight you gain weight (because of the chemistry and biological changes that occur with stress).

When you dance your primitive brain interprets this as 'all is well' because who dances when they have to run away or survive a war, flood or famine? People dance when they are happy, at celebrations and when they are at a party.

And this is why an aerobic class is different to a Zumba class.

If you want to stay slender and are prone to feeling stressed and/or anxious the best types of exercise classes are fun ones like dance classes, and relaxing ones like yoga, Pilates and body balance. These reduce the amount of stress hormones produced and your body will switch from burning muscle to stored fat.

Have fun and stay relaxed

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