Thursday, 29 August 2013
Chocolate myths and weight loss
Over the years there have been several myths about chocolate which have given all chocolate a bad reputation amongst those in the health industry and can cause us to feel guilty when we eat it.
What is the truth about chocolate and how it can affect our health?
Chocolate is not an immediate cause of obesity. It is the total number of calories and the balance of the food groups that has an effect on a person's weight. As discussed in last week's blog, not all chocolate is created equal. In addition to considering the quality of the chocolate, there are also a miriad of fillings which contain additional sugar and fat.
Cocoa and chocolate alone do not damage our teeth. Sugar causes dental caries and is found in many foods from the many bottled sauces to fruit juices.
Chocolate does not cause acne. There have been studies undertaken to discover if chocolate can cause acne however it is usually either hormones and/or general diet.
There is good news for those of us who like chocolate. It can be good for us, in the right quantities and when we eat a good quality dark chocolate.
All the health benefits will be in next Friday's blog.
Until next Friday, enjoy the experience of a little quality chocolate.
warmest wishes
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Quality sleep for weight loss
When was the last time you had a really good night's sleep? For optimal health the answer should be every night. However we sometimes struggle to sleep well or to get enough sleep. We toss and turn as we mull over problems and try to create solutions. We don't get enough sleep because we either stay up too late or have to get up too early, or both.
People who sleep 7 - 9 hours a night have healthier body weights than those who get less sleep. Sleep or lack of it affects weight gain and loss.
When we don't get enough sleep it affects our fat loss hormones and causes us to crave comfort food. The less sleep we get, the more hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin we produce. We also produce less leptin, which is an appetite-suppressing hormone. It only takes lack of sleep for 2 nights to impact our hormones and start to affect our weight.
Lack of sleep can also lead to increased cortisol levels and make us less insulin resistant. Both insulin and cortisol are released when we are stressed and meant to assist us for short bursts of stress, such as being chased by a sabre-tooth tiger or taking a driving test. When produced for longer periods these hormones reduce our immune system and affect the chemistry of our cells causing weight gain. The prevent fat loss and can cause weight gain.
And that's not all. Insufficient sleep can have poor health outcomes in other areas.
Here are a few ways that we can enjoy enough sleep for a healthier and happier life:
- Switch off at least 20 minutes before going to bed. Turn off the computer, mobile phone and the television, and definately do not have a TV in the bedroom. It may seem as though it is relaxing however it doesn't allow our brains to slow down and prepare for sleep. Once in bed, try reading a book or keep a dairy about your experiences and feelings.
- Make your room dark enough. If the curtains don't black out all the light there are some very lovely eye shades that block out the light. Bedside clocks that illuminate the time can be covered up or turned to the wall.
- Work out how much sleep is right for your body. Some people need 7 - 8 hours and other people need 8 - 9 hours.
- Keeping consistant hours also improves sleep, so it is better for us to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning. When having a lie-in, we should only have an hour.
- One night of poor sleep can take up to a week to recover from, so we should try and only stay up late once a week or even less for optimal health and weight.
- A nana nap in the afternoon can do wonders for us if we have had insufficient sleep the night before or had to get up early. However it should only be a 20 minute nap so that we don't get into a deep sleep.
- Keep cool. Over heating the bed or ourselves can delay the onset of sleep as our bodies need to cool down to sleep.
warmest wishes
Friday, 23 August 2013
Good quality chocolate for weight loss
Do you like chocolate? I love chocolate and I am guessing that many other women have the same feelings about chocolate. There are times when nothing else will do, days when it feels like a luxury and then there are those times that we share and celebrate with chocolate. Because it is a given that I, and probably you, will be eating chocolate I wanted to find out more about the differences between chocolates, how they could affect my weight and health, and the all important taste difference.
My interest and research will be shared over the next few blogs. Today I will share the mysteries of the difference between quality and cheaper chocolate.
Dark and milk chocolate are made from chocolate liquor, butter and sugar. The butter can be replaced with vegetable fat which is more stable in tropical climates. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter and sugar. Although it doesn't contain the chocolate liquor it is still defined as chocolate.
The amounts of each ingredient can be changed to create different quality chocolates. The quality of each ingredient will also create different quality chocolates. To make a good quality chocolate the highest quality ingredients are used in specific proportions. These differences make it a difference experience when we eat it.
A good quality chocolate coats the mouth, is rich and a little is satisfying. A cheaper brand does not coat the mouth in the same way and we need more to satisfy our desire for chocolate. There is litte difference in the calorie content between each type of chocolate, quality or cheaper, dark, milk or white. The two big differences are in the experience and the quantity we consume.
An example of a quality chocolate company is Chocolatier. Made in Melbourne they create beautiful quality chocolate for every occasion and also sell quality cooking chocolate. Whilst a cheaper chocolate becomes stiff and lumpy when heated, Chocolatier's cooking chocolate melts into a smooth liquid with a beautiful sheen.
We can trial quality chocolates by tasting small samples of each at Chocolatier or any other quality chocolate producer.
Because we are going to eat chocolate, we should enjoy and celebrate every mouthful. By spending a little more we will eat a little less and experience a richer more satisfying chocolate.
If you have any queries about quality chocolate you can either comment under this blog or log onto the Chocolatier website at
warmest wishes
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Wellness Wednesday - Taking time for you
How many times a day do you take some time just for you? With our busy lives we can forget to allocate any 'me time' and yet another day goes by without us spending any time away from all the tasks that take up our time.
When we take time for ourselves, even if it is just 5 minutes, it provides us with opportunities to recharge our batteries and go back to our tasks refreshed. It is good for both our physical and our emotional health. Learning to take some daily 'me time' may need to be scheduled in a diary or put on the daily 'to do' list until it becomes a habit.
What is possible with a mere 5 minutes a day?
As we and our families become accustomed to our daily 'me time' we can slowly increase it until we can enjoy a daily ritual of regeneration of our bodies and mind. As role models we are also teaching our children that it is a good thing for mums to look after themselves as well as everyone else.
Enjoy some 'me time' every day and notice how even a little time can help reduce stress and offer some renewed energy.
warmest wishes
When we take time for ourselves, even if it is just 5 minutes, it provides us with opportunities to recharge our batteries and go back to our tasks refreshed. It is good for both our physical and our emotional health. Learning to take some daily 'me time' may need to be scheduled in a diary or put on the daily 'to do' list until it becomes a habit.
What is possible with a mere 5 minutes a day?
- Go outside to drink a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the fresh air and some nature
- chose a short-story book and read one short story a day
- do 5 minutes of yoga or tai chi moves
- do 5 minutes of meditation
- enjoy creating something and do a little more every day, such as a patchwork quilt or some art work
As we and our families become accustomed to our daily 'me time' we can slowly increase it until we can enjoy a daily ritual of regeneration of our bodies and mind. As role models we are also teaching our children that it is a good thing for mums to look after themselves as well as everyone else.
Enjoy some 'me time' every day and notice how even a little time can help reduce stress and offer some renewed energy.
warmest wishes
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Smile because it makes you happy - Happy Mondays
Physiology create psychology. In other words, the way we hold our bodies and this includes our faces, creates different moods. Some research done in America showed that people who were diagnosed as depressed were able to improve their mood by smiling at themselves in the mirror for 20 minutes a day for 6 weeks. Their brains received the message that they were 'happy'.
Smiling can be infectious. When someone smiles at us we usually smile back and the same thing happens when you smile at them. We can even find ourselves smiling when we see someone smile on the television or in a film.
Smiling has health benefits. It can lower your heart rate, reduce stress and reduce pain. There are other health benefits as well including being more productive when we smile. The smile needs to be genuine and we can all recognise a fake smile. We are more likely to focus on the positives in our lives and feel better about ourselves and about life in general. It can make a task seem more pleasant and the time to go faster.
Smile and watch the world smile with you.
Have a happy Monday
warmest wishes
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Foodie Friday - Gluten free Chocolate Cake
Earlier this week I celebrated my birthday, and what better way than with chocolate cake. However I am sensitive to wheat gluten so I made one of my favourite gluten free chocolate cakes.
The better quality chocolate we use, the better tasting cake we create. When cooking with chocolate use a really good quality cooking chocolate.
Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
300g plain chocolate (175g for the cake and 125g for the topping)
175g butter or margarine (125g for the cake and 25g for the topping)
75g sugar
250g almond meal
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 eggs, separated
pinch salt
5 tablespoons raspberry jam
Line a 22cm round cake time with baking parchment. Melt 175g of the plain chocolate in a bowl which is placed over a saucepan of simmering water. When all the chocolate is melted, take it off the bowl and put it in a warm place.
Put the egg whites in a bowl and add the pinch of salt, whisking the eggs until they are stiff.
In a separate bowl cream the butter and sugar until it is light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks and vanilla essence and beat until they are mixed in well. Add the melted chocolate and almond meal and mix (not beat) the ingredients until they are mixed very well. Fold in the egg whites.
Place the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 55 - 60 minutes, gas mark 3-4, 160C-180C or until it is cooked in the middle. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire baking rack.
For the topping warm the jam in a pan by putting it in a bowl over a small pan of simmering water. When the jam is warm and slightly thinner, spread it over the top of the cake and allow this to cool.
Melt the remaining chocolate and butter in a pan over simnmering water and mix together. Spread the melted mixture over the cold jam. (The jam must be totally cooled before adding the chocolate).
For a special occasion or to feed more people, make two chocolate cakes, cut the top of the first and cover in a layer of one of the following:
- whipped cream
- raspberry jam
- whipped cream and raspberry jam
- chocolate butter icing
warmest wishes
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Wellbeing Wednesdays
We breath every minute from the moment we are born until we die. Sometimes we hold our breath but not for long. Eventually you will pass out and your brain will ensure that you breath again. And yet, as adults we are not very good at breathing. For tips on how to breath well we could watch a small child.
Somehow we forget to breath properly as we become adults. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we start to breath with our chests and forget to 'stomach breath'. When we breath our tummy's should move in and out with each breath. This helps our oxygen exchange and it also aids digestion. It helps to reduce stress and is used for the meditive styles of exercise including yoga and Tai Chi.
We can improve our health by breathing properly a just 10 times a day. Imagine how amazing we will be feeling if we breath properly for most of the day. So take a few minutes to breath, the way nature intended. Place your hands on your tummy and as you breath in through your nose feel your tummy move out. Breath in slowly over the count of 4. Now hold for 2 seconds. Gently and slowly breath out over 6 seconds. Repeat this style of breathing 4 more times.
This tummy breathing is a wonderful way to start our day and can also be used in bed just before we go to sleep. We can use it during the day when we start to feel stressed or anxious.We can breath this way just to enjoy how it feels and our bodies will thank us for it.
Have a go and enjoy the way it feels.
warmest wishes
Somehow we forget to breath properly as we become adults. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we start to breath with our chests and forget to 'stomach breath'. When we breath our tummy's should move in and out with each breath. This helps our oxygen exchange and it also aids digestion. It helps to reduce stress and is used for the meditive styles of exercise including yoga and Tai Chi.
We can improve our health by breathing properly a just 10 times a day. Imagine how amazing we will be feeling if we breath properly for most of the day. So take a few minutes to breath, the way nature intended. Place your hands on your tummy and as you breath in through your nose feel your tummy move out. Breath in slowly over the count of 4. Now hold for 2 seconds. Gently and slowly breath out over 6 seconds. Repeat this style of breathing 4 more times.
This tummy breathing is a wonderful way to start our day and can also be used in bed just before we go to sleep. We can use it during the day when we start to feel stressed or anxious.We can breath this way just to enjoy how it feels and our bodies will thank us for it.
Have a go and enjoy the way it feels.
warmest wishes
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Happy Mondays - how to feel happy in an instant
We all experience a variety of moods most days, and sometimes it can change with in a few minutes. You can enjoy a good wallow at home and chose to indulge in a day watching movies on the coach, eating comfort foods and snuggling under the blanket.
But when we are at work or out and about, a sudden upset can be unnerving. We don't want to cry in front of our boss or colleagues, or dampen the day when we are out with friends and family.
How do you go from wanting to cry to being able to smile in an instant?
When we are thinking about our feelings we look down. When we are trying to visualise a picture in our heads we look up. It is very difficult for us to continue to 'feel' when we look up. So the way to suddenly go from upset to happy is to look up, and keep looking up. Look up at a tree or the clouds in the sky. If you are stuck indoors then look up and really study the way that the ceiling meets the walls, or study the shape and texture of a light-fitting. Keep looking up and studying something specific until you have stopped feeling anything but curiosty for your new interest of the moment.
Now that you feel calm again you can visualise a time that you felt really happy. An event that made you smile, a joke that made you laugh or a cute puppy that made your heart melt.
As you look ahead again, keep that image with you and a smile on your face.
Enjoy your Monday.
warmest wishes
Friday, 9 August 2013
Foodie Friday-Choosing Guilt Free Chocolate for the Busy Woman
The Problem
How many times have we found ourselves standing in front of shelves of chocolate bars wondering which one will do the least damage to our figure? We want chocolate! Nothing else is quite going to hit the spot but we don’t have time to read all the small print on the back of the packets. There are diets that count points, those that count fat and others that count sugar. We want to have our guilt free treat but which one is better than the others?
There are other considerations. For example home brand chocolate will have more fat and sugar than a quality named chocolate. Dark chocolate has more health benefits and adding nuts increases the health benefits. There is also personal choice. Many people prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate and some people hate nuts in chocolate! If it is smaller does that mean that it is better or that it has less fat and sugar? So I have done some research and can save you the time and hassle of trying to work out which chocolate bar to choose.
![]() |
So many choices! |
The Solution
A two finger Kitkat has a mere 435 kj and a Milkyway has 465 kj. If you are concerned that this sounds or looks like a lot, you might like to compare these to some other favourites, including a Mars Bar (1010 kj) and a Snickers (1230 kj). The following table is based on the average size chocolate bar and not a king size or double pack. You can cut out the following list and keep it in your purse.
Popular Chocolate Bars from Least to Most Kilojoules
- Kitkat – 2 fingers 435 kj
- Milkyway bar 465kj
- Toblerone 35g 775kj
- Honey nougat log 812kj
- Picnic bar 820kj
- Carmelo koala 823kj
- Cherry ripe 846kj
- 4 squares of 85% Lindt chocolate 883kj
- Freddo frog large 885kj
- Time out 890kj
- Kitkat 4 fingers 980kj
- Mars bar 1010kj
- Crunchie 1015kj
- Snickers 1230kj
- Boost 1310kj
Before you beat yourself up about having a chocolate bar, you may want to consider this choice in a bigger context. If you only have one chocolate bar a week, choose whatever you fancy. Just make sure that it is the regular size and not the ‘King’ size. However, if you have a chocolate bar every day or so, you may want to consider choosing the ones with less fat and sugar.
And Finally...
Having bought the chocolate bar, whatever size and content, take the time to sit and savour every mouthful. Enjoy a total lack of self-judgement and utter bliss. If you find that you only want to eat a portion of it and save some for later, do so. Once you stop beating yourself up about having some chocolate you may find that you actually want less!
Warmest Wishes,
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Our Very First "Well-Being Wednesday", An Ode to Glowworms
Happy Wednesday everyone! We hope the week has been treating you well, and are so pleased to be sharing our first "Well-Being Wednesday" with you! The idea behind Well-Being Wednesday is to share something uplifting to help you get over that Wednesday hump, and take those good feelings all the way to Friday. Today I'll be sharing something that I find inspiring, and hopefully they add a little brightness (pun intended) to your day.
Living in Australia over the past couple months, I feel like I learn something new about the flora and fauna everyday, although it might be the copious amounts of Planet Earth I've been watching. One thing in particular I've been fascinated by are the Waitomo glow worm caves in New Zealand. This may seem strange to you for someone to be so excited about glow worms, but I come from a very urban area of Southern California, where so much of the wildlife native to the area has been decimated. Coming to Australia has been such an amazing experience for so many reasons, but I find the variety of wildlife here absolutely breathtaking (and terrifying).
Aaaaand back to the glow worms, the species of glow worms (Arachnocampa luminosa, am I the only one who thinks this sounds like a spell from Harry potter?) in the Waitomo caves live exclusively in New Zealand, and are only about the size of a mosquito (thanks Wikipedia). None of this may seem very fascinating to you, in fact you might just be skipping past this wall of text so you can see what it looks like. So here it is, in all it's glory-
These things that look like strings of beads hanging from the ceiling are actually poisonous snares that the glowworms create. Just like a spider's web, or Bane, they lure in and catch their prey with their beautiful traps.
I don't think I need to explain why these caves are so interesting to me, but here is some food for thought: the glow worms are such small creatures, and yet their light has turned the Waitomo caves into a tourist attraction. People flock from some very far away places to see these caves, all because of a bunch of tiny worms shining lights out of their bums.
So next time you feel insignificant, remember that the light you shine out of your bum is inspiring to others and if you just keep glowing then prey will be attracted to your snares.
Hugs 'n' Kisses,
P.S. Sarah is much better at being insightful and motivational than I am, and next week's Well-Being Wednesday will be written by her! If you want some more information on glowworms, click here. And lastly here is something my aunt sent me-
Living in Australia over the past couple months, I feel like I learn something new about the flora and fauna everyday, although it might be the copious amounts of Planet Earth I've been watching. One thing in particular I've been fascinated by are the Waitomo glow worm caves in New Zealand. This may seem strange to you for someone to be so excited about glow worms, but I come from a very urban area of Southern California, where so much of the wildlife native to the area has been decimated. Coming to Australia has been such an amazing experience for so many reasons, but I find the variety of wildlife here absolutely breathtaking (and terrifying).
Aaaaand back to the glow worms, the species of glow worms (Arachnocampa luminosa, am I the only one who thinks this sounds like a spell from Harry potter?) in the Waitomo caves live exclusively in New Zealand, and are only about the size of a mosquito (thanks Wikipedia). None of this may seem very fascinating to you, in fact you might just be skipping past this wall of text so you can see what it looks like. So here it is, in all it's glory-
click the photos to enlarge, you'll thank me later!
These things that look like strings of beads hanging from the ceiling are actually poisonous snares that the glowworms create. Just like a spider's web, or Bane, they lure in and catch their prey with their beautiful traps.
I don't think I need to explain why these caves are so interesting to me, but here is some food for thought: the glow worms are such small creatures, and yet their light has turned the Waitomo caves into a tourist attraction. People flock from some very far away places to see these caves, all because of a bunch of tiny worms shining lights out of their bums.
So next time you feel insignificant, remember that the light you shine out of your bum is inspiring to others and if you just keep glowing then prey will be attracted to your snares.
Hugs 'n' Kisses,
P.S. Sarah is much better at being insightful and motivational than I am, and next week's Well-Being Wednesday will be written by her! If you want some more information on glowworms, click here. And lastly here is something my aunt sent me-
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Welcome to The Busy Woman's Blog!!!
Thank you for being a part of Beautifully Balanced's first post of "The Busy Woman's Blog"!
We will be posting Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with articles designed to quickly and effectively(hopefully!) give women the knowledge and motivation to improve their lives.
Photo credit goes to the fabulous Tyler Oakley
Hope you all enjoy our posts, and maybe even learn something you didn't know before!
Hugs 'n' Kisses,
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