Sunday, 18 August 2013

Smile because it makes you happy - Happy Mondays

Physiology create psychology. In other words, the way we hold our bodies and this includes our faces, creates different moods. Some research done in America showed that people who were diagnosed as depressed were able to improve their mood by smiling at themselves in the mirror for 20 minutes a day for 6 weeks. Their brains received the message that they were 'happy'.

Smiling can be infectious. When someone smiles at us we usually smile back and the same thing happens when you smile at them. We can even find ourselves smiling when we see someone smile on the television or in a film.

Smiling has health benefits. It can lower your heart rate, reduce stress and reduce pain. There are other health benefits as well including being more productive when we smile. The smile needs to be genuine and we can all recognise a fake smile. We are more likely to focus on the positives in our lives and feel better about ourselves and about life in general. It can make a task seem more pleasant and the time to go faster.

Smile and watch the world smile with you.

Have a happy Monday

warmest wishes

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