Living in Australia over the past couple months, I feel like I learn something new about the flora and fauna everyday, although it might be the copious amounts of Planet Earth I've been watching. One thing in particular I've been fascinated by are the Waitomo glow worm caves in New Zealand. This may seem strange to you for someone to be so excited about glow worms, but I come from a very urban area of Southern California, where so much of the wildlife native to the area has been decimated. Coming to Australia has been such an amazing experience for so many reasons, but I find the variety of wildlife here absolutely breathtaking (and terrifying).
Aaaaand back to the glow worms, the species of glow worms (Arachnocampa luminosa, am I the only one who thinks this sounds like a spell from Harry potter?) in the Waitomo caves live exclusively in New Zealand, and are only about the size of a mosquito (thanks Wikipedia). None of this may seem very fascinating to you, in fact you might just be skipping past this wall of text so you can see what it looks like. So here it is, in all it's glory-
click the photos to enlarge, you'll thank me later!
These things that look like strings of beads hanging from the ceiling are actually poisonous snares that the glowworms create. Just like a spider's web, or Bane, they lure in and catch their prey with their beautiful traps.
I don't think I need to explain why these caves are so interesting to me, but here is some food for thought: the glow worms are such small creatures, and yet their light has turned the Waitomo caves into a tourist attraction. People flock from some very far away places to see these caves, all because of a bunch of tiny worms shining lights out of their bums.
So next time you feel insignificant, remember that the light you shine out of your bum is inspiring to others and if you just keep glowing then prey will be attracted to your snares.
Hugs 'n' Kisses,
P.S. Sarah is much better at being insightful and motivational than I am, and next week's Well-Being Wednesday will be written by her! If you want some more information on glowworms, click here. And lastly here is something my aunt sent me-
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