Thursday, 16 January 2014

Foodie Friday - 3 ways to cope with weight loss sabatours

Imagine this. You have successfully changed your eating style and are 5 kgs nearer to your goal weight. You have noticed that your clothes fit better and you have started to receive complimentary comments about your slimmer figure. It is all going well and you don't crave cake and chocolate every day anymore.

And then a friend at the office who has complimented you on your weight loss brings in a large chocolate cake for morning tea. She is quite insistant that you have a slice and you don't want to hurt her feelings and at the same time you don't want to eat the cake either. If you eat the cake you could want more as your body has a sugar rush and you would like to continue to work towards your next 5 kgs goal.

How do you say'no' and keep your friend?

There are 3 possible solutions that will create a 'win/win' for you and your friend (and this also works for family members) and you may want to use all 3 in the coming months as friends and family become used to the slimmer you.

  1. Thank the friend for bringing the cake and explain to her that because you are still working towards your goal every mouthful counts and you really appreciate her understanding in this matter.
  2. For concerned partners you can tell them how much you love them and that their support has always made a difference and you need it now as much as ever. Ask them to be your accountability buddy and suggest a joint celebration each time you reach a goal such as a night out together and a holiday away when you reach your final goal weight.
  3. For friends that continue that continue to push you to eat or drink something you can explain that you are happy to be with them and that they can eat and drink what ever they want but that only you choose what you will eat and drink. 
Continue to enjoy your success and please add your suggestions for ways to cope with weight loss sabatours in the comment box below.

to your success

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