Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Wellness Wednesday - is your 'to do' list helpful or painful?

A few years ago I was having a life coaching session during which my coach asked me about my day. I explained that I was very organised and created a 'to do' list most days. The problem was that I never managed to complete it and always went to bed worried about what I hadn't finished, which would needed to be added to the list the next day. Over the years the list had grown to the point where it would need an army of workers to complete it in a single day or even a week.

The coach asked me what was on the list so I wrote out the first 20 or so items and handed it to him. He smiled. Then he asked "Where are your items? The things that you like to do for fun, for relaxation or for pleasure?"

I was a bit confused. I was already overwhelmed with things to do so why would I add anything else to it? How could I possible stop doing all those necessary things and spend some time on me with so much to do every day? How could I enjoy doing something for me knowing that this huge list would still be waiting for me when I had done something that was just for me?

His answer was simple. We all need to take some time every day to recharge our batteries. A bit like being on a plane and putting on your oxygen mask first because you can't help anyone else if you pass out from lack of oxygen.

And so it is for all of us. If we don't take some time for ourselves every day we will burn out and metaphorically run out of oxygen. Just 30 minutes all for you, with a book or a long soak in the bath, doing something creative or having coffee with a friend recharges our batteries and helps us to breath fully so that we can get on with our lists.

Share your ways of spending some 'me time' in the comment section below.

Have fun

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