Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Savour little moments of luxury

Sometimes luxury can seem just out of reach for you on a weekly basis let alone a daily basis. Until  a few years ago luxury seemed out of reach on an annual basis for a very good reason: I didn't understand how important it is to savour little moments of luxury.

If you think that enjoying a little bit of luxury costs lots of money then think again. Even better than costing just a little bit of money, a little bit of luxury can be totally free.

Every time you savour a little moment of luxury you release endorphins which make you happy and this helps to fight the stress hormones that cause weight gain, poor health and fatigue. But savouring these little moments offers even more.

You only continue to make an effort when it rewards you with a result. This is one of the reasons that you may have given up going to the gym or eating less sugar or fewer biscuits; the rewards weren't big enough. When you savour little moments of luxury on a daily basis it offers a reward. Just think of all the things that you do during your day for others. Now imagine sitting back and enjoying a little moment of luxury.

Free moments of luxury can include:
  • a quiet cup of tea or coffee outside enjoying the sounds of nature, fresh air and the feel of the sun on your skin
  • two pieces of quality chocolate as it melts in your mouth, coating your tongue and palette, the aroma floating up to your nostrils 
  • pampering your skin with oils or creams after your shower
  • having a laugh over a lunch with a good friend
How many little moments of luxury can you create every day?

warmest wishes

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