Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The habits of slender women

Have you ever wondered how some women appear to do nothing to stay slender? Whilst there are women who can eat all they want, take zero exercise and still manage to retain their figure, most of us need to take a little more action to keep our figure looking slender, svelte and gorgeous.

There are several different ways to achieve a slender figure and these include a life-time of dieting or dedicated time exercising, and for some women a combination of the two.

But what if there was another way? What if you could maintain a slender figure without being on a permanent diet or finding the energy and time to exercise most days?

The good news is that there is an alternative option. The excellent news is that this option not only permits but actually encourages you to enjoy some of your favourite foods including chocolate and a glass of red wine. And there is the added bonus of choosing to do exercise for fun, enjoyment and pleasure if you chose. You don't have to spend hours working up a sweat or even putting on your gym gear unless you choose to do so.

What is this alternative option?

You can adopt the habits of slender women. These particular women chose to remain slender without dieting and without sweat inducing exercise for the sake of weight loss. These women can be found enjoying a desert after a meal with friends, relaxing and having fun and making the most of quality ingredients used to create tasty meals. These women have learnt certain habits from family and friends that allow them to maintain their figure and make it look effortless, because it can be when each of the habits become just that: a habit, which means that they don't need to think about it. They just do it.

Start today by being mindful of everything you eat in the next 7 days. Don't change what you eat and don't be judgemental. Just be aware.


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