I am not a big fan of red meat, preferring chicken and fish. I find red meat hard to digest and it leaves me feeling a bit uncomfortable. Other people chose not to eat red meat for religious, environmental and/or animal welfare reasons. However if you are one of the many people love their red meat the following information is for you.
All the research shows that eating white meat like chicken has very few health issues providing you eat chemically and processed free chicken. (More about processed foods in a minute). The health issues appear to be related to red meat and processed meat.
There are many healthy nutrients in red meat including iron, zinc and Vitamin B12. You can get these in other foods but need more of them and a wider range to ensure healthy quantities. For years the saturated fat in red meat was deemed to be the culprit however new research and findings several years ago have shown that it probably isn't the saturated fat that causes the heart problems and increased risk of cancer. It is something found in the lean part of red meat. The newest recommendations are that you reduce your intake of red meat to a few days only each week.
Processed meat contains nitrates and a lot of salt. The nitrates are thought to react with the bacterial in the bowel and this may lead to polyps which can then become malignant. Smoking meat produces another health issue when it reaches the bowel and may also cause some health issues.
Eating lots of vegetables, fruit and other fibrous foods helps the meat to pass through the bowel and reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer.
The ideal for red meat lovers is to avoid processed meats (bacon, ham, salami and sausages), keep meat dominated meals to no more than three times a week and when you do eat meat have it with lots of vegetables and high fibre carbohydrates like wholemeal pasta, wholemeal rice or root vegetables (except white potatoes).
Enjoy your steak and roast beef
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