Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Strength in vulnerability

Last night I was at a women's network meeting during which an inspiring woman gave an excellent 10 minute talk on goal setting. In that moment I realised that I had stopped setting goals because I had become scared that I might not fulfil them. I chose to share this with the group and guess what? I wasn't the only woman there with a fear.

Sometimes we believe that we have to hide our fears, not only to others but to ourselves. We believe that we need to be strong, carry on and toughen up. Whilst it is true that we need to continue to take positive actions it can be detrimental to our success, emotional well-being and to those around us when we don't admit our fears. It was in that moment of admission that I found new courage. This was bolstered by overwhelming support from a group of amazing women.

There is beauty and strength in being vulnerable. It shows others that it is not only acceptable to be vulnerable but that there are many benefits to it.

Years ago when I had my first baby I tried to do it all by myself. Even though I had mild postnatal depression and was exhausted I refused all offers of help. I believed, incorrectly, that showing my vulnerability would be interpreted as me being an inadequate mother. I learnt the hard way. When I had my other four babies I accepted all the help that was offered. This was good for me and good for my family.

What is stopping you from reaching your goals? If there is any fear of vulnerability it is time to acknowledge and celebrate the strength and courage that you have in sharing this.

Let's support each other in our vulnerabilities.


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