Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Accountability gets results

Last week my washing machine broke down in spectacular fashion. It marched across the floor, smelt of burning and made terrible noises. It is still under extended warranty and so the next morning the washing machine manufactures sent round an engineer who pronounced it totally dead. He would send in a report and we would hear back later that afternoon.

That was nearly a week ago. Daily telephone calls the past three days have finally resulted in a report being filed from the engineer to the insurers so that they can decide what action to take. The report is being posted because they only email if someone else in the company requests it.

Each time I have called the person on the other end has initially been helpful but immediately they realise that my washing machine is still waiting for a report they become defensive. The manufacturers and insurance company blame each other, and today the manufacturers blamed their engineer.

The real issue is this: no one is accountable or wants to be accountable. Their systems are inadequate but rather than own this so that they can take action, they blame others. This is reactive and it always leads to poor outcomes.

I meet many women who talk to me about their desire to become and/or remain slender but few of them are accountable. They blame their current lack of results on anything and anyone but rarely take ownership of it.

"I ate this because..." which means that they use excuses to continue to eat and behave in ways that get results, but not the results that they desire.

The first rule of staying slender is to learn how to balance your food intake and activity. The only way to do this is to become accountable so that you can take the action that gets you the results that you want.

This Christmas I will be enjoying myself which will include eating more sweet foods that I normally do the rest of the year. I own and acknowledge this and will enjoy every mouthwatering crumb. I will also balance this out over the weeks either side of Christmas because I enjoy staying slender.

Enjoy this festive season even more by being accountable for your actions and your outcomes.


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