Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Staying slender with inspiration

Occasionally I get asked to give a talk on motivation. This is usually to women in weight loss groups who are struggling to remain motivated. Have you ever experienced a lack of motivation? I know that I have.

We tend to procrastinate when we lack motivation, or even put things off indefinitely. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed which leads to inaction and is really another form of procrastination. Why is it so hard to remain motivated?

Motivation is external. We need to see or hear something to remain motivated. A photograph on the fridge to stop us snacking or a personal trainer encouraging us to do just one more rep. And this is the problem with motivation. The very fact that it is external means that you need the stimuli all the time.

The alternative way is to become inspired because inspiration is internal. It comes from within you which means that it is with you all the time. Take a minute to think about something that you are passionate about. For example you could be passionate about dogs. You not only own a rescue dog but you volunteer at a dog rescue centre or donate to a dog rescue centre. You might even become a dog trainer so that people have more positive experiences with their dog and fewer dogs will end up being surrendered to rescue centres. You don't need to have a photograph on the fridge or a personal trainer to keep you motivated. You are inspired and probably inspire others with your enthusiasm and passion.

When you are inspired you want to take action.

What would cause you to become inspired about staying slender? You may not have the answers immediately so let this question sit with you for a few days or even weeks because it is worth the effort to find the answers. When you become inspired you won't need to look to external sources to stay slender.


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