Tuesday, 6 January 2015

3 ways to return to being slender after Christmas

I love Christmas. It is my favourite time of the year. I love the decorations, the glitter and sparkles, the excitement and anticipation, the planning, buying presents for people, the increased generosity of spirit collectively, and the food. Some of my favourite food is eaten at Christmas.

Usually I live by the 7 rules that help to keep to me stay slender but over Christmas I give myself permission to 'have a holiday' from some of the rules. This means that I usually gain a kilo or two knowing that once I return to the rules I will go back to my original weight. It always takes longer to return to my usual weight than it did to gain a few extra kilos and that is just fine because I know that I am going to reach my goal within a month.

There are 3 ways that can help you to return to your pre-Christmas weight without 'dieting' in the traditional sense. This is important because as soon as your primitive brain thinks that you are at risk of famine it will flick a switch to save as much body fat as possible. Instead try these 3 ways for one month to help you to return to being slender:

  1. Greatly reduce added sugar: you can still eat 1 - 2 pieces of whole fruit a day but avoid prepared foods with sugar such as bottled sauces, biscuits and cakes, spreads and fruit juice. If you make your own juice use 2 vegetables for every piece of fruit. Avoid alcohol and all soft drinks.
  2. Get back into meditating: during the busy holiday season it can be easy to slip out of certain habits, and meditating is easily missed when you are busy or relaxing with family and friends. Make of point of finding 10 minutes a day to meditate and start by breathing slowly and allowing your body to relax.
  3. Get 20-30 minutes of gentle exercise every day: running around after people isn't the same as gentle exercise. Running around after people can convince your primitive brain that there is some danger lurking and flip the it must be a war, famine or flood' switch. Gentle exercise is calming, boosts your body and brain with oxygen and feel good hormones, gently builds muscle and can be refreshing.
Implementing these 3 easy ways to loose a few holiday kilos will help you to feel refreshed, energised and ready for 2015.

Happy New year


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