Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A pill for weight loss

When I was teaching nursing my students used to become frustrated when they struggled to perfect a skill. One day I was showing a group of nursing students how to draw up fluid into a syringe. Having been a nurse for three decades I had learnt to do this quickly and with one hand. Although I showed them how to do this with two hands because they were just learning, they wanted to be able to do it like an experienced nurse. However it takes much longer than one afternoon to learn any skill.

Over the past few decades we have become more and more impatient about having to wait for anything. Credit cards and long-term finance means that we can have many of the things we want instantly because we can pay for them over many years. We live in the fast lane. We receive more news in a week than a person did in a lifetime just one century ago. We want it all, and we want it now.

This is the same for weight loss. We don't want to have to wait to loose unwanted weight. We want to loose weight quickly, and with as little pain and effort as possible. We will always move away from pain before we move towards pleasure and most people perceive the process of loosing unwanted weight as potentially painful.

There are non-pharmaceutical ways to loose unwanted weight slowly so that you don't put it back on again but the snag for many people is the word 'slowly'

I had always had inflexibility around the use of pills and potions for weight loss. It seemed unnatural and therefore unhealthy, in my mind. But when I asked a group of women what they would prefer when it came to loosing weight over 90% said that they would prefer to use some sort of pill or potion to help them loose the weight more quickly and then utilise the rules to help them stay slender in conjunction with the pills and potions.

'The person with the most flexibility will have more choices and therefore have the most influence in any system.' is a NLP presupposition. In other words if what you are doing isn't producing the results that you want, change it.

I am now researching the higher end market of weight loss pills and potions to work out which would be the most appropriate to recommend to women who would like to speed up their weight loss and then learn how to maintain their goal weight. I will report back when I have some answers and recommendations.

What ever you choose always remember that you are not your weight. Being a healthy weight offers you more opportunities to enjoy feeling more energetic, more playful and maybe even a little more sexy. Being a healthy weight is about feelings and benefits and should not be about conforming to a cultural image.


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